
Published work that addressed problem spaces in the urban landscape, explored relationships between people and autonomous systems, and other topics.


Simulator Study Design Multiple Road User Role (mRUR) Drivers’ Road Sharing Behavior

How, in the real-world, do people accomplish the tasks without the added automation?

For an intervention being implemented, how is the introduction and implementation being planned?

How are people being trained? And so on.

Why we need standards for AV-Human interaction

Human-Human communication follows informal rules allowing for efficient road user interaction.

Multiple designs for AV-Human communication will result in confusion, serious incidents, lost efficiency and lost trust.

OEMs, government stakeholders, research institutions, and existing standards committees need to be involved in the development of viable standards.


The Critical Importance for the Communication Between Autonomous Vehicles and Humans

Companies are developing autonomous vehicles (AVs) in relative isolation, resulting in varying designs for the communication between AVs and human road­users (RUs). This will be a source of confusion for RUs, resulting in serious incidents, efficiency loss, and loss of trust in the technology. Communication design for AVs therefore requires standardization.